Female Waxing.
Male Waxing.
Waxing Savvy.
Contact Us.


Female Waxing

Male Waxing

Waxing Savvy

Contact Us

Tel Penny:   07762177404


These can be made by phone, text or email  at  waxandco@live.co.uk  For a first appointment please give us a call and there after you can use text or email which ever you prefer.  If you are leaving a message please leave a name and number and what treatment you would like and we will return your call. No withheld numbers will be answered.



We don’t charge for cancellations or missed appointments. So please be polite and give us a call with as much notice as possible so your appointment can be given to someone else.



Cash or cheque with a bankers card only please as we do not have card facilities.


We are based in Bournemouth  so will give you our full address and directions when you make your appointment.

